Thursday 20 October 2011

Great Lakes Dental Care – The Perfect Family Dentistry

When you have clean and healthy teeth, you feel attractive and self-confident. The real perk however, is being able to eat whatever you want without wincing. Regular visits to your family dentistry should take care of this.
Taking Care of Your Teeth
If you want to flash a happy smile and eat hot, sour and ice cold food, taking good care of your teeth is essential. What happens when you don’t go for a regular check-up? A regular Dentist Oakville visit would show up tooth problems early. Tooth decay does not happen overnight. It develops over a period of time. Why wait until it becomes too painful to visit your dentist. You may not realise you have gum infection or oral cancer until the symptoms begin to plague you. Early detection by a Dentist Oakville means measures can be taken to prevent further progress of the disease.
Your Wisdom Tooth
Maybe evolution is the cause - there does not seem to be enough room in your mouth for all your wisdom teeth anymore. When this happens, food particles get trapped, between the tooth trying to come out and the flap of gum that covers it. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and leads to bad breath and infection. This also causes a lot of pain and requires the attention of Dentist Milton. Another painful wisdom tooth problem is ‘impacted tooth’. It often turns out that the wisdom tooth has to be removed. One of the advantages, of the entire family using the same dentist, is he would know your family history. Anticipating problems facilitate timely intervention.